Healing the Spirit and Soul
Our team of experienced, compassionate counselors offers trauma-informed, individualized care within a CARF-accredited program to truly meet clients in their time of need.
Individually meeting with a well-trained counselor is an extremely gratifying, and life-changing experience. Let’s face it. How often are you able to express all your dreams, all your fears, and all your hopes to another person, assured that you will receive total acceptance and non-judgment in return? What would it be like to have an objective listener?
The word “psychotherapy” comes from the ancient Greek words psychē, meaning breath, spirit, or soul, and therapeia or therapeuein, to heal or cure. Thus, “psychotherapy” literally was coined as “healing the spirit and soul.”
We support you through life’s challenges, including:
Eating issues including anorexia and bulimia
Mood Disorders including bipolar
Sexual Identity
Gender Identity
Wisdom Traditions offers a variety of individual therapy approaches, including:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – To explain what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is, let us ask you a question. When you are upset, do you usually think your way into a new way of feeling, or do you feel your way into a new way of thinking?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) – Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Training is a psycho-educational group helping individuals develop specific skills to cope with daily internal and external stressors. DBT focuses mindfully on the present moment, quieting rumination, identifying and reframing core beliefs and thinking errors, decreasing stress, increasing distress tolerance, regulating emotions, communicating assertively with no self-betrayal and with the ability to say yes or no as one pleases. DBT was developed specifically for people with Borderline Personality Disorder, but studies have shown it is also effective with mood disorders, and PTSD. DBT group meets on Thursday evenings 6pm to 8pm.
Trauma Informed/Trauma Sensitive Care – A trauma sensitive care center is about more than the interventions used, it’s about the care and attitude of the entire clinic from your first phone call to your final appointment. We approach every program with this in mind, and offer a wide variety of services catering to trauma care including:
Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLP) – NLP is the study of human excellence. It offers the client the ability to be at their best more often, and is a powerful, practical approach to personal change.
Core Transformation - Core Transformation helps patients reach their goals and encourages healing from within, improving depression, anxiety, addiction, problem behaviors, and overall health.
Art Therapy - This gentle and powerful form of therapy invites the individual into curiosity regarding their behaviors, coping mechanisms, relationships and feeling states.
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) – A treatment strategy that supports the improvement of moral reasoning, decision making, and positive identity.
Jungian Informed Therapy – An integration of psyche and soul with the conscious mind that leads to a deeper understanding and realization of the true Self and the expansion of wisdom within each of us.
At Wisdom Traditions, we meet patients where they are at with full acceptance. In a safe and supportive environment, our trained therapists provide compassionate care that can inspire change and improve quality of life. As one of our clients said, “Wisdom is the only place that never gave up on me.”
Our support groups empower patients to build community, promote resilience, and learn new strategies to attain improved happiness and health. Each of our groups is guided by a unique curriculum written by our own team. We offer a wide range of groups including the Women’s Spirit of Recovery group, the Men’s Circle of Recovery Group and an eating disorder group.
Learn more about our group therapy options here >>
Couples and marital therapy
Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which a therapist with clinical experience working with couples Couples and Marital Therapy helps individuals gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction. Our research-based approach supports couples throughout every stage of life, including parenting challenges, crisis support and ongoing conflicts, promoting greater love and health in all relationships.
“Wisdom Traditions’ Recovery Program truly walks its vision of ethical and compassionate care to empower individuals and families to create a life of meaning and purpose through transformative recovery in action”