wisdom traditions is a recognized leader in 21st Century integrated health care and wellness.
We are accredited by CARF, an international recognition of excellence. CARF accreditation is only awarded after a rigorous peer review process which includes on-site surveys to establish measurable outcomes.
“Wisdom Traditions’ Recovery Program truly walks its vision of ethical and compassionate care to empower individuals and families to create a life of meaning and purpose through transformative recovery in action.”
At Wisdom Traditions, we incorporate a wide range of traditional and integrative therapies into a personalized, comprehensive treatment that is designed to meet the unique needs of each person who chooses to heal with us. Our clients and their families may take advantage of therapies such as:
Relationship and Family Therapy
our recovery programs
Our Recovery Programs integrate philosophies and practices from the medical, psychological, family systems and self-help communities. Every program is designed to treat the whole person. Clients learn to understand the underlying causes of emotional and behavioral disorders and recognize how to avoid subsequent additions and dependencies during the recovery process. This prepares them for the challenge of staying well after treatment ends.
Our programs serve Alaskans who need flexible yet intensive outpatient treatment for a variety of addictive patterns including drugs, alcohol, gambling, codependency, and other disorders. We offer Alaska State Certified substance abuse assessments and we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to the families involved.
Our programs include but are not limited to:
Intensive Outpatient Treatment: A concentrated, focused program of group therapy and education, individual therapy, family education and community support. We offer both day and evening programs.
Suboxone Opiate Replacement Intensive Outpatient Treatment: A coordination of care with primary medical providers, group therapy, family group and individual therapy.
Day Treatment Program: A scheduled series of structured, face-to-face therapeutic sessions, facilitated by a multi-disciplinary team in a behavioral health setting for daytime activities organized at various levels of intensity, and frequency to assist patients with treatment goals when a step-down from hospitalization, residential or detox is medically necessary.
Trauma Informed Care: Providing “trauma-informed” care recognizes that people can have many types of trauma in their lives needing support and understanding from caregivers and community service providers.
Continuing Care: We recognize the importance of the seamless transition from hospital detoxification or residential inpatient to outpatient treatment, as this transitional period has a high relapse rate.
Relapse Prevention Outpatient Service: Integrated treatment for individuals who are working on long-term recovery goals with a special emphasis on developing strong relapse prevention skills.
Family Programs: We believe that empowered with education and support, individuals and their loved ones can and do recover. We provide a dedicated marriage-family therapist for family and/or multi-family members.
HIPPA Compliant Teletherapy: For those who work rotational schedules or live in outlying rural Alaska.
“The leadership....is visionary and passionate about the organization and its mission to assist in changing the lives of clients. Personnel also demonstrate a commitment to helping clients work through addictions and move in a positive direction for the future.”
We promptly communicate our treatment recommendations and coordinate the continuum of patient care with the primary referring therapist or physician.
Our primary goal is to help Alaskans and their families heal from addictions. If you agree that we bring value, we would appreciate your referral of patient care. Be assured that our commitment to recovery treatment and continuing care will complement your own wellness strategies. We look forward to partnering with you to help Alaskans find new opportunities for increased self-discovery, healing, freedom and purposeful lives.