we offer family education groups, Marriage/Family Therapy, and Children & Youth Support

Addiction affects families. We understand how addiction affects every part of who we are – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Spouses and other family members often experience similar deterioration as they attempt to adjust to the behaviors that accompany the ongoing addiction of their loved one.

It may not be easy, but there is a path to step out of the reactive mode; a way to rebuild trust, personal responsibility and a deepening awareness of personal strengths and the capacity to experience a joyful life.

Family Education Groups

In our Family Education Groups, we educate families on the effects that alcohol and other drugs have on the whole person, and on the whole system. Our groups cover the following topics:

  • Effects of Addiction on the Brain

  • Models of Addiction and Recovery

  • Challenging Mistaken Beliefs to Prevent Relapse

  • Building Bridges to Better Communication

  • Gender Communication — Different but Equal

  • Spirituality for Recovering Families

Marriage and Family Therapy

We incorporate private Marriage and Family Therapy as a primary part of our treatment program because we understand the damage that addiction can have on trust and intimacy.

Children & Youth Support

We compassionately and respectfully assist the children of addictive family systems with age-appropriate activities. We offer pre-teen and youth groups with a particular emphasis on expressing feelings and empowering the teen to make positive choices, impacting their own future in positive ways.

Contact us to learn more about our Family Programs >>