“NLP is an attitude which is an insatiable curiosity about human beings with a methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques” - Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP)

Originally co-created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP is based on the premise that the mind and language affect our body and behavior and that certain techniques can change the way people feel, think, and behave. It involves the use of language to influence an individual's thoughts and behaviors and includes techniques derived from various disciplines, including linguistics and psychotherapy. While hundreds of books have been written describing the therapeutic uses of NLP, it might be easiest to sum up the attitude of NLP by describing its "Operational Presuppositions."

The Map is not the Territory is a way of saying that the world, as you perceive it, is not the ultimate reality, but rather a subjective map of it created by your own perceptions and experiences. This helps both therapists and clients understand that each person’s worldview is uniquely constructed. It acknowledges that what we consider to be reality is actually our interpretation of the sensory information we process.

Positive Intentions Behind Every Action
Another NLP cornerstone is the belief that every behavior has a positive intention. In sessions, you might uncover why certain patterns exist and how they’re trying to protect or comfort you, even if they’re no longer helpful.

The Mind-Body Connection

NLP promotes an integrated view of mind and body, suggesting that they're deeply interconnected and influence each other. This is a vital aspect of psychedelic therapy too, where emotional and psychological healing can manifest physically, and vice versa. It's about embracing a holistic view of healing where changing the mind can literally change the body.

People Function Perfectly

Individuals are not broken and do not need fixing. This is a shift from seeing oneself as needing repair, to recognizing that you are functioning perfectly, even if the outcomes are not what you desire. In the context of therapy, this means acknowledging that your actions and reactions are the best choices available to you at that time based on your experiences and current state.

Positive Self-Worth Is Constant
Maintaining a constant positive self-worth is crucial. NLP encourages the view that every person, including yourself, has inherent value, and this worth remains unchanged regardless of external circumstances or challenges. In psychedelic therapy, this perspective supports an environment where you can explore your psyche safely and with self-compassion, essential for profound introspection and healing.

The Law of Requisite Variety
Flexibility in thinking and behavior is a cornerstone of NLP, encapsulated in the Law of Requisite Variety. This law suggests that the more flexible you are in your thoughts and actions, the more influence you have over the outcomes of your interactions. In therapy, being open to various perspectives and adaptive in your responses can lead to more effective solutions and personal growth.

There Is No Failure, Only Feedback
One of the most empowering NLP presuppositions is that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Each experience, especially those that feel like setbacks, is an opportunity to learn and adapt. This mindset is particularly valuable in psychedelic therapy, where each session can bring unexpected emotions and memories to the surface. Viewing these experiences as valuable feedback rather than failures can transform your therapeutic journey.

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flow

Originally expressed in the Chinese proverb "Yi Dao, Qi Dao" (Where the Heart/Mind & Intention goes, the Energy Flows), this highlights the power of focus. Where you choose to direct your thoughts and energy significantly influences your life's path.

By integrating these NLP presuppositions, you can enhance your therapeutic experience, harnessing the power of your mind and the insights gained from therapy to foster a more fulfilling and empowered life. These principles encourage a holistic approach to healing, emphasizing personal agency, learning, and the transformative potential of embracing a positive, flexible mindset.

If you’re curious to learn more and maybe even apply some of these insights, it’s not just about diving deep into complex theories but also about making real changes that feel good. It's about seeing yourself and your journey through fresh eyes and finding new ways to navigate through life’s challenges.

So, whether you're well into your personal development journey or just starting to explore what these therapies might offer, the combination of NLP principles and psychedelic therapy could open up a whole new world of possibilities for you. It’s all about expanding your map, discovering new territories within yourself, and embracing the adventure of self-exploration. Dive in, the journey is worth it!